Operating Policy
The services of OctoCert Certification Services are available to all Organizations/Businesses (i.e., potential customers) engaged in activities related to its scopes of accreditation. All prospective customers, regardless of their scale or ownership status, are treated impartially and in the same way.
It should be noted that OctoCert Certification Services reserves the right to reject a certification application or the renewal of certification if the customer (for example) is involved in illegal activities or has a history of repeated non-compliance with certification requirements.
Statement of Impartiality
OctoCert Services explicitly states that it fully understands the importance of ensuring impartial, independent, and objective certification, both for consumer safety and for ensuring fair competition and equal opportunities among relevant parties.
To this end,
- it continuously analyzes all critical factors that could affect its judgment or impartiality
- it allocates resources to address related threats (organizational structure, policies, strategies, objectives, reviews)
- it is committed to taking necessary actions to ensure the effective management of situations involving conflicts of interest or any other circumstances that may threaten its impartiality.
The goal is to provide certifications with integrity, responsibility, and always within the regulatory framework governing its operations.
The management of OctoCert Services.
All data provided to OctoCert Certification Services or generated during the certification or inspection process are considered confidential at all operational levels and are not disclosed to third parties or made public. The exception to this is the information referred to in §3.4 of the General Regulations for Certification, which pertains to the publication of the certification decision. Further disclosure of information can only be made with the written consent of the customer. If legislation requires the disclosure of data, OctoCert Certification Services must inform the customer accordingly (e.g., through notification), unless the legislation prohibits such notification. All of the above is included in the body’s contract with the customer.